Monday, November 30, 2015

Edible Soil Layers

To help us understand the components of the three soil layers, we created our own edible soil.  The girls enjoyed representing the bedrock layer from M & M's, the subsoil layer from chocolate pudding and the topsoil layer from graham crackers.  As each girl created her layer, she had to name and describe it. The best part came at the end when they were able to eat their creation!

Veteran's Day

To celebrate Veteran's Day, we made thank you cards for our local veterans.  Several of the girls distributed them at our annual Veteran's Day program.  We also read The Wall to help us understand the huge sacrifice that the veterans made and the important role that they play in our lives. What a blessing it is to live in the land of the free!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Soil Investigation

During our soil unit, the girls had a chance to observe & identify different types of soil.  They examined the soil grains, texture and water absorption.  As they identified each one, they drew an illustration.  At the end of the activity, they made their own loam soil.  

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November Celebrations

The Mighty Girls would like to wish Rachel & Victoria a very "Happy Birthday!!"

Monday, November 2, 2015

Pumpkin Charcters

In order to help raise money for Relay for Life, our class was asked to create our favorite book character from a pumpkin.  After a vote, our class chose Pinkalicious.  The girls loved it so much that they wanted to create their own pumpkin character.  Their results were amazing!  Each student who participated received extra credit for going above and beyond.  We hope you enjoy their handiwork!!


Red Ribbon Week

The Mighty Girls enjoyed participating in all of the fun activities for Red Ribbon Week.  One of their favorites was Career Day.  They loved dressing up in their chosen future careers and learning about exciting careers from local employees.

                     Bulldog Spirit Day

                                     College Team Day

                                              Career Day

Flooded Lands, Helping Hands

As we were studying fast & slow changes in the Earth, our state was hit with heavy rainfall which created flooding in the Lowcountry & Midlands. We were able to see first hand the devastation that flooding can cause.  We read several news articles & viewed some videos to see how our state was impacted.  We also brainstormed several ways that we could help our fellow South Carolianians who were in need.  Several girls brought in items to send to the lower part of the state.  We also created a flooding diagram on the back of our door to see how much water some of our cities received.  We were very shocked at the results and blessed to have minimal damage in our community.

Erosion & Depostion

During our changes in the Earth's surface unit, the girls had the opportunity to see erosion & depostion in action.  Each group created wind using a straw, a glacier using ice cubes and applied water to see first hand the effects that they had on the soil.  Then they had to record their findings on their investigation sheet.  They were also challenged to create something that would prevent erosion in the future.  Some of them got quite creative and enjoyed seeing how their creation worked.

The following weekend, Sully went to the mountains and saw some great examples of weathering & erosion. Thanks Sully for sharing your findings with us!

October Mighty Mentor

The Mighty Girls were excited to get to meet Anna to learn about her job as a NICU nurse.  They each wrote down several questions that they had about what she did each day and how she helps others.  They were also curious about who her mentors were.  We appreciate her taking the time out of her busy schedule to teach us all about her career as a nurse.  She is truly a Mighty Girl!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Big World Recess

The Mighty Girls had a blast participating in this year's Fun Run.  They worked extremely hard to get 65 pledges for our class totaling $1,130!!  Each day the girls learned about a different character trait as they traveled around the globe meeting student athletes.  Through all of their teamwork, they were able to earn enough class laps to donate a pair of shoes to a child in need.  Way to go Mighty Girls!! I am SO very proud of you!!

                                      Prizes & more prizes!!

                                  Dr. Patterson & Mrs. Skinner raised the roof!!

                          Lunch outside as a class reward.

                                           Pajama Day was lots of fun!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Fairytale Frenzy

The Mighty Girls loved learning about the characteristics of a fairytale and reading various versions of Cinderella, Rapunzel & Little Red Riding Hood.  The girls also enjoyed writing their own version of their favorite tale.  To conclude our unit, we went to see the play of Rapunzel at the Chapman Cultural Center.  We had a great time & enjoyed at picnic lunch at Barnett Park afterwards.  We would like to send out a big "Thank You" to Mrs. Barfield for helping to chaperone our trip.