Sunday, September 27, 2015

Sea Queens

In celebration of Pirate Day, the Mighty Girls got creative and dressed up in their favorite gear.  This led us to wonder if there were any female pirates and what their roles were?  After doing some research together, we discovered that there really were female pirates and they were often referred to as "sea queens."  The most famous ones were Anne Bonney & Mary Reid.  Anne lived on a Charleston plantation before she became a sea queen.  Both were fierce fighters and were feared by many on the high sea.  We also learned that many of the women disguised themselves as men and were just as ruthless.  Although they are not our mentors, it was lots of fun to investigate their lives!!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

I-Pad Rollout Day

Today was the day we have all been waiting for......I-Pad Day!!  The girls couldn't wait to get it in their hands!  After discussing our checkout system and watching an expectations video, the girls finally received their I-Pads!  Their faces glowed with excitement as they set each one up on the school network.  Next we downloaded several apps that they will use this year to create, explore and research with.  The girls also participated in a scavenger hunt to help them become more familiar with their new devices.  The day wouldn't be complete without a selfie and a video to remember this exciting day!!

Goodies With Grandparents

In honor of Grandparents Day, the Mighty Girls enjoyed having a special breakfast with their grandparents.  After they finished their delicious Danish, they had the opportunity to write about what they enjoy doing together.  It was a great way to start the day!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Morning Meeting

Each morning we begin our day by having a morning meeting to share our thoughts and strengthen our bond with each other.  On Mighty Monday, we recognize a special Mighty Girl that inspires us & serves as our role model.  Some of our favorites so far are Bethany Hamilton, Laura Ingles Wilder & MalalaYousafzai. Tango Tuesday allows us to stretch and ease our minds with a yoga workout.  Wonder Wednesday provides the opportunity to visit Wonderopolis and find out the answers to our many wonders.  Thoughtful Thursday challenges us with a real world problem to analyze and solve together.  Fun Friday helps us celebrate our accomplishments of the week by dancing & singing along to our favorite beat.  Our class favorites are the Whip Nae Nae & the Electric Slide.  We also use our meeting time to announce our class shoutout and add them to our Brag Board.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September Celebrations

The Mighty Girls would like to wish Kinsley a very "Happy Birthday!"  We hope you have a fabulous day & that all your wishes come true!