Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Morning Meeting

Each morning we begin our day by having a morning meeting to share our thoughts and strengthen our bond with each other.  On Mighty Monday, we recognize a special Mighty Girl that inspires us & serves as our role model.  Some of our favorites so far are Bethany Hamilton, Laura Ingles Wilder & MalalaYousafzai. Tango Tuesday allows us to stretch and ease our minds with a yoga workout.  Wonder Wednesday provides the opportunity to visit Wonderopolis and find out the answers to our many wonders.  Thoughtful Thursday challenges us with a real world problem to analyze and solve together.  Fun Friday helps us celebrate our accomplishments of the week by dancing & singing along to our favorite beat.  Our class favorites are the Whip Nae Nae & the Electric Slide.  We also use our meeting time to announce our class shoutout and add them to our Brag Board.

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