Saturday, August 9, 2014

Mighty Girl Class Shirts

This year our class has the opportunity to purchase class t-shirts.  Many of you ordered one at registration which will be available at Meet the Teacher.  However if you didn't get your order in, you can still purchase one.  Cindy Pizor of Sticker Doodles is making the shirts for us.  She can be reached at 316-6657.  The cost of the shirt is $18.  I will also have order forms available at Meet the Teacher.  We will all wear our shirts on the first day of school!

The front side has OES and The Adventure Begins.  The back side has each girl's monogram.


  1. What a great way to inspire a strong sense of community among your girls! I wish you all the best of luck to a great start!

    1. Thank you Dr. Patterson. The girls and I love our shirts!!

  2. I love our t-shirts they are adorable I love them
