Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Summer Adventures:

The signs are all around us from displays of school supplies to registration day.....summer is quickly coming to an end!  I hope that you all were able to sleep in late, enjoy many sunny days by the pool, cookout with friends & family and catch lightning bugs at twilight.  My summer was relaxing and full of adventures.  Here are a few of my highlights!

My summer started off by spending girl time with my precious daughter Emily and Elsa, our Swedish exchange student.  We enjoyed lunch out at our favorite restaurants, shopping & trips to the nail salon.  All too soon, Elsa's family arrived to begin her journey back home.  It was a treat to finally get to meet her family & siblings in person! We enjoyed showing them our amazing community & state before they left for a two week US vacation.

I also finally had the to time & energy to tackle some much needed home improvement projects.  Thanks to Pinterest & my sweet Daddy, my house is now more organized & appealing!  Let's see how long it can stay that way!

My biggest summer adventure was traveling to Washington D.C. with my family & Elsa's family to conclude her exchange year.  While we were there, we had the opportunity to show them what America is all about & what it stands for.  Some of our favorites were touring Arlington Cemetery and watching the Changing of the Guard, the breathtaking view of DC from the top of the Washington Monument & watching the spectacular 4th of July fireworks display! Unfortunately, the time finally came to say a tearful goodbye to Elsa's family & a "see you later" to our precious Swedish girl! Although she will no longer be living in our home, she will always be in our hearts & a part of our family.

Of course, summer wouldn't be complete without lazy days by the pool, catching up with old friends and mini vacations with family & friends!  When life get hectic and stressful in the coming weeks, these are the days that I will remember to ease my spirits!



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